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1300 665 831


Commercial Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative coolers have been cooling people for hundreds of years.  Many commercial buildings such as clubs, schools, industrial sheds and homes are still using evaporative coolers today.  Evaporative cooler systems are the most neglected with respect to mechanical maintenance in the HVAC industry.  As per any air-conditioning system, there is an ongoing maintenance responsibility for evaporative coolers, ensuring health and safety, performance and efficiency. 

The following tasks are carried out during a standard maintenance service for evaporative coolers.

  • Remove filter pad frames and remove dust, salts, pollen etc. 
  • Check and clean the water distributor channels.
  • Empty the water reservoir thoroughly clean and treat with an acid treatment. 
  • Ensure that water is not carrying over onto the motor.
  • Check pulleys and belts for wear.  Check alignment and tension.
  • Check general system operation and controller. 
  • Provide service report.

Whether you are after a service or a replacement evaporative cooler Insight Control Services can help, please contact us.